

We are a full service architecture and interior design office based in New York, Western Massachusetts and working the Hudson Valley, Berkshires and beyond. We aim to elevate the quality of people’s lives through architecture by creating spaces that inspire discovery. Our approach is simultaneously exploratory, technical, and responsive to requirements of the project and sites on which we build. Our process intuitively reveals possibilities latent within every brief over a range of project types and scales including urbanism, buildings, houses, renovations, additions, interior design and furniture. Regardless of scale, we are committed to be curiously engaged and thorough from beginning to end.

Becket, Massachusetts

Among the most challenging questions we debate in practice is how to approach virgin sites. Of course the impulse is to disturb as little as possible, but the reality is that construciton and human habitation after its completions changes ecosystems forever.

For House on a Bluff, a brief to accomodate a large family, our goal was to make the residents conscious of their surroundings in the hopes that their intervention will not be forgotten. Wherever possible, physical connections are made with the ground and vegetation that surrounds the buildling. The promenade through the different functional spaces either creates a moving image as one walks or is initiated with an image at the destination. Desipite the air tighness and super insulation, we worked on producing opportunites to make connections with the site. 

Despite being a large building and because of the plan’s openess to the landscape, one is in continual conversation with the land and the pond beyond.