

We are a full service architecture and interior design office based in New York, Western Massachusetts and working the Hudson Valley, Berkshires and beyond. We aim to elevate the quality of people’s lives through architecture by creating spaces that inspire discovery. Our approach is simultaneously exploratory, technical, and responsive to requirements of the project and sites on which we build. Our process intuitively reveals possibilities latent within every brief over a range of project types and scales including urbanism, buildings, houses, renovations, additions, interior design and furniture. Regardless of scale, we are committed to be curiously engaged and thorough from beginning to end.


New York, New York

The Highline is among the most successful adaptive re-use projects in New York and is aclaimed around the world. The new rail deck is known for its sprawling gardens and views of the city above and below. The spaces underneath, however, are ripe for experiments in what we may call “urban accupuncture” in which existing underutilized city space is claimed as public space. We were tasked wth expanding a prominent art gallery by providing a local satelite for special exibitions and installations.

Our intervention winds the exteriors around the existing structures of the bridge above,  the interior spaces created as traces of the bridge. structure 

Inside, two distict gallery spaces, distinguished with a change of elevation, frame art and bring it into focus, allowing for contemplation from a distance. A diagonal path extends under a bridge leading to two entrances: and entrance ramp serving accessiblity requiements and the main entry; and a service entrace hidden by pushing it inside the main facade. 

the entrance ramp allows for a procession into the main space, connecting the  pavilion to the street. Stepping down up from the main entry gallery in the center of the pavillion creates a transition between the two galleries. Together they expand the view and on their own, one can stand alone with the art.